What’s Special About January 25?

Today let’s remember three Roberts.

Andawn F.
1 min readJan 25, 2022
Photo by Lynda Hinton on Unsplash

Today I want to commemorate Three Roberts.

  • Robert Burns
  • Robert Williams
  • Robert Burton

Burns Night

Many Scots will host a Burns Supper on January 25 to celebrate the birthday of the greatest Scottish poet Robert Burns (January 25, 1759), who wrote “auld lang syne.”

Burns is voted ‘The Greatest Scot Ever’ by the Scottish public.

Reference — http://www.robertburns.org/

But I am not in favor of celebrating anyone’s birthday.

I believe no one, as a newborn baby, deserves anything to be celebrated because they haven’t done anything to the world yet.

That’s why I celebrate the deathdays of great people instead.

Robert Williams

On January 25, 1979, Robert Williams, an American factory worker at Ford’s plant in Michigan, was killed by an industrial robot.

He is the first known human to be killed by a robot.

Famous death on Jan 25

January 25, 1640 — Robert Burton, English scholar, writer, and Anglican clergyman, died at age 62.



Andawn F.

An avid reader, Haiku writer, world traveler, Kung Fu learner, and Koala lover. Join me on Medium: https://andawnfrost.medium.com/membership