Haiku 35–38: Love (1–4)

All our lives we are learning to love

Andawn F.
Oct 22, 2021
Photo by Leighann Blackwood on Unsplash


If you give or take

Love as a duty or gift

You are not in love


When you see beauty

In others — both friends and foes

You have become love


Love everybody

Take it not as a slogan

Drink it as spirit


Where to start to love?

The poor, evil, and dirty?

Why not from today?

*These are the 35th — 38th Haikus I’ve been learning to write. Thank you for reading.



Andawn F.

An avid reader, Haiku writer, world traveler, Kung Fu learner, and Koala lover. Join me on Medium: https://andawnfrost.medium.com/membership